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Council of Europe’s Venice Commission visits Hungary to prepare an opinion on the new constitution

17/05/2011 - 18/05/2011

Budapest - A delegation from the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission is to meet representatives of the authorities, the various political parties and civil society in Hungary to discuss the country’s new constitution adopted on 18 April 2011.

Context: At the request of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission is currently preparing an opinion on the new Hungarian constitution.

In March 2011, at the request of the Hungarian government, the Venice Commission already adopted an opinion on three legal questions which arose in the process of drafting the new constitution.

The opinion on the constitution is due to be adopted at the plenary session in Venice on 17 and 18 June 2011. It will be published upon adoption and will be posted on the Commission’s website.

The Venice Commission is an advisory body of the Council of Europe made up of independent legal experts.

Press contact : Tatiana Mychelova, External Relations, Venice Commission
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 38 68,



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