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Ukraine - country visit - Venice Commission provides legal advice on election of MPs

21/09/2011 - 23/09/2011

Kyiv - A delegation of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s advisory body of independent legal experts, will visit Ukraine between 21 and 23 September 2011 to exchange views with national authorities and other stake-holders on the draft Law on the Election of Members of Parliament of Ukraine and on Ukraine’s ongoing electoral reform.

The Commission’s preliminary draft opinion on this draft Law, recently released by the Ministry of Justice, includes themes which the delegation will clarify during its visit.

Following this visit, the draft preliminary opinion prepared jointly by rapporteurs of the Venice Commission and experts of the OSCE/ODIHR, will be finalised and submitted to the Venice Commission for possible adoption at its October 2011 plenary session.

The delegation will meet with the initiators of the draft, i.e. Ministry of Justice, other national authorities, representatives of the civil society and representatives of international society present in Ukraine.

The Venice Commission delegation is composed of:
• Aivars ENDZINS, Rapporteur, Latvian member,
• Srdjan DARMANOVIC, Rapporteur, Montenegrin member,
• Thomas MARKERT, Secretary of the Venice Commission
• Serguei KOUZNETSOV, Legal Adviser, Head of the Regional Cooperation Unit, Venice Commission.

A press conference is scheduled on 23 September 2011 at 18h00 at the premises of the news agency “Ukrinform” (Kyiv, 8/16, B. Khmelnytskoho street)

Press contact:
In Kyiv: Tetiana IVANENKO, Council of Europe office in Kyiv, tel. 425 60 01/ 425 02 62
In Strasbourg: Tatiana MYCHELOVA, External Relations Officer, Venice Commission Office: +33 388 41 3868; mob. +33676720402; email:



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