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Armenia - Electoral Issues

05/05/2003 - 08/05/2003

Venice Commission organises a training seminar on the electoral issues for the members of electoral commissions in view of the parliamentary elections on 25 May 2003.

The training will deal with the electoral campaign, the organisation of the Election Day, notably vis-à-vis observers and representatives of political parties, but also voters themselves. At the same time, the seminar aims to point out the problematic provisions of the electoral law regarding the post-electoral period in general, and the role of courts and electoral commissions in questions of appeals in particular.

Finally at the last day of the training a mock vote will be organised at a polling station specifically created for this occasion.

Related documents
CDL-EL(2003)013  French  18/03/2004 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Erevan, 5-8 mai 2003) : Rapports  (D. VINOLAS, M. MOREL DE VILLIERS, C. CASAGRANDE, J. SZIJARTO)
CDL-EL(2003)003syn  French  27/05/2003 -  Public
Séminaire de formation électorale (Erevan, 5-8 mai 2003), Synopsis 
CDL-EL(2003)003syn  English  27/05/2003 -  Public
Training Seminar on Electoral Matters (Yerevan, 5-8 May 2003), Synopsis 



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