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Albania - country visit - forthcoming opinion - electoral matters

24/10/2011 - 25/10/2011

Tirana - A delegation of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s advisory body of independent legal experts, together with experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) will be in Tirana on 24 and 25 October 2011 to exchange views with national authorities and other stakeholders on the Albanian electoral legislation and practice.

Following the local elections and in particular the challenges encountered relating to the last elections for Mayor of Tirana, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland asked on 24 August 2011 for an opinion of the Venice Commission on “which amendments should be made to the electoral legislation and practice in Albania in the light of recent experience”. The opinion will be drafted together with OSCE/ODIHR.

The delegation will meet with the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Parliament, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, representatives of political parties, other national authorities and representatives of the international community present in Albania.

The delegation is composed of:
• for the Venice Commission:

Mr Pieter Van Dijk – Member, the Netherlands
Mr Oliver Kask - Member, Estonia
Mr Konrad Olszewski - Expert, Poland
Mr Thomas Markert – Director, Secretary of the Venice Commission
Mr Pierre Garrone – Head of the Division of Elections and Referendums, Secretariat of the Venice Commission

• for the OSCE/ODIHR:

Mr Armin Rabitsch – Senior Election Advisor,
Mr Richard Lappin – Election Advisor,
Ms Marianna Skopa – Legal expert

Following this visit, a draft opinion (prepared jointly by rapporteurs of the Venice Commission and experts of the OSCE/ODIHR) will be finalised and submitted to the Venice Commission for possible adoption at its December 2011 plenary session in the presence of the Secretary General.

A press point is scheduled at the end of the visit on 25 October 2011 at 12h15 at the premises of the Rogner Hotel.

Press contact:
In Tirana: Olsi DEKOVI, Deputy Head, Council of Europe Office in Tirana
Office: +355 4 222 84 19 / 2254227 / 2234375
In Strasbourg: Tatiana MYCHELOVA, External Relations Officer, Venice Commission
Office: +33 388 41 3868; mob. +33676720402; email:
In Warsaw: Jens ESCHENBACHER, Spokesperson, OSCE
Mobile: +48 603 683 122



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