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Tajikistan - forthcoming opinion on the draft Code of Judicial Ethics

18/11/2013 - 19/11/2013

Following the request for an opinion made by the Council for Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan on the draft Code of Ethics, a delegation from the Venice Commission will be going to Dushanbe on 18 and 19 November 2013 to meet with the authorities.

This activity is organised by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe within the framework of the project "Supporting Constitutional Justice, Access to Justice and Electoral Reform in the Countries of Central Asia" with funding provided by the European Union and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Related documents
CDL(2013)061  English  28/11/2013 -  Public
Draft opinion on the Code of Judical Ethics of the Republic of Tajikistan  (K. VARDZELASHVILI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL-AD(2013)035  English  10/12/2013 -  Public
Opinion on the Draft Code on Judicial Ethics of the Republic of Tajikistan 
CDL-AD(2013)035  Russian  19/12/2013 -  Public
Opinion on the Draft Code on Judicial Ethics of the Republic of Tajikistan 



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