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Seminar on Strategic Litigation - study visit to the Council of Europe from the Kyrgyz Republic

08/07/2015 - 10/07/2015

Strasbourg – Representatives of NGOs, academia and journalists of the Kyrgyz Republic will learn about the experience from several European countries on strategic litigation as well as about the Venice Commission’s practice of amicus curiae briefs. Strategic litigation is bringing carefully-selected public interest cases - often human rights cases - to a court on behalf of an individual, where the goal is to promote the interests of a wider group.
This seminar is part of a study visit to the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights, which will enable the participants to follow closely the work of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly, judges and lawyers of the ECtHR and other parts of the Council of Europe.

These events are organised jointly with the UNDP office in Bishkek in the framework of the project "Support to the Kyrgyz authorities in improving the quality and efficiency of the Kyrgyz Constitutional justice system” with funding provided by the European Union.



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