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Assistance to the Constitutional Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic

08/10/2015 - 09/10/2015

Bishkek – A Conference for lawyers, NGOs and academia on constitutional control of international treaties took place on 8 October 2015 in Bishkek. It was followed by a workshop for judges and staff of the Constitutional Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic on 9 October where more technical issues on the same topic were discussed.

Following the request for an opinion made by the Constitutional Chamber on the Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic, a delegation from the Venice Commission will be attending a meeting in Bishkek on 8 October to discuss this document with the authorities. It will also provide the opportunity to follow up on the previous opinion prepared by the Venice Commission on the draft Constitutional Law on introducing amendments and additions to the constitutional law on the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted by the Venice Commission at its 99th Plenary Session in Venice on 13-14 June 2014.

These activities are organised within the projects aimed at supporting constitutional justice in the Kyrgyz Republic with funding provided by the European Union.



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