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“Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: the Relationship of International, Supranational and National Catalogues in the 21st Century” - XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (online)

24/02/2021 - 25/02/2021

Prague – The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic hosted the XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC). The Congress, initially planned in Prague in 2020, took place online on 24–25 February 2021. The President of the Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, addressed the Congress at the opening session.

In its Resolution no. II of 2018, the Circle of Presidents asked the Venice Commission to cooperate in the organisation of the XVIIIth Congress and to prepare a special issue of the Commission’s electronic Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law on the topic of this congress, i.e. “the Relationship of International, Transnational and National Catalogues in the 21st Century”.

The Commission produced accordingly a working document, which will be published in the form of an electronic Bulletin after the Congress. The Venice Commission is particularly grateful to the Courts’ liaison officers for their invaluable co-operation, which has made it possible for the Commission to produce this special edition as well as all the regular electronic Bulletins and updating our CODICES database.



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