19/07/2018 - 20/07/2018
Odessa - the Venice Commission’s branch of the Council of Europe's Office in Ukraine, together with the National School of Judges of Ukraine, launched the training course "Election Dispute Resolution".
The course includes such topics as:
• International standards and principles of democratic election,
• Overview of national election law. Classification of electoral disputes during the election process,
• Peculiarities of conduct on election rights and referendum under the rules of the CAJU, and
• ECtHR practice in electoral disputes.
The judges of administrative courts of Ukraine of different levels took part in the event; various interactive forms of training were used.
The training course was developed by the National School of Judges of Ukraine in co-operation with the Council of Europe Projects "Supporting constitutional and legal reforms, constitutional justice and assisting the Verkhovna Rada in conducting reforms aimed at enhancing its efficiency" and " Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine" within the framework of the 2018-2021 Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine.
It is planned that, after the testing and the subsequent approval, the course "Election Dispute Resolution" will be actively used by the regional centers of the National School of Judges in the training of judges on the eve of future presidential and parliamentary elections.