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UKRAINE - Trainings on election dispute resolution for judges of administrative courts


During February-March 2019, a series of all-Ukrainian trainings for national judges on election dispute resolution took place in different cities of Ukraine:

- Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Kramatorsk, Kharkiv, Dnipro and Odessa.

During these trainings, 117 judges from 30 Ukrainian administrative courts of appeal and regional administrative courts discussed peculiarities of application of electoral legislation in resolution of election disputes in view of upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine.

Throughout these trainings the judges examined the practical aspects of application of the national electoral legislation by courts, the international standards and principles of democratic elections, the key issues of national election law and practices of European Court of Human Rights in election dispute resolutions. The participants also have discussed the practical cases of election dispute resolutions, which have already taken place during this electoral campaign.

The trainings were developed by the experts of the National School of Judges with the support of the Venice Commission in Ukraine. The principal “equal to equal” was used during these trainings, which means that judges were trained by judges themselves.

During the final training in Odessa, the participants were welcomed by Marten Ehnberg, the Head of the Council of Europe in Ukraine, who underlined the significance of the implementation of the rule of law principle in the next presidential and parliamentarian elections in Ukraine. He pointed out the importance of the election law reform and its consequences for the democratic processes within the country.

The training course was organised with the support of Council of Europe projects on “Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine” and “Supporting constitutional and legal reforms, constitutional justice and assisting the Verkhovna Rada in conducting reforms aimed at enhancing its efficiency”.

Follow the Council of Europe Office in Kyiv on Twitter: @UkraineCoE



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