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Global Elections Day Summit 2022 (online)


Earlier today Mr Pierre Garrone, Secretary of the Council for Democratic Elections (Venice Commission), addressed the Global Elections Day Summit 2022 (online).

The Global Elections Day (GED) 2022 was organised by the ACEEEO; its aim is to celebrate one of the most important democratic institutions – elections. GED was initiated by the GEO*/ACEEEO conference in 2005.

The goals of the GED Summit 2022, held online, were:
• to celebrate elections, a cornerstone of democracy;
• to acknowledge election officials, working relentlessly as guards of the democracy;
• to demonstrate the unity of the election officials from all over the globe;
• to show the diversity of elections;
• to support the exchange of best practices among the election management bodies; and
• to provide guidance to the voters.
Election Management Bodies from 28 countries participated in the Summit. Furthermore, representatives of most of the prominent international organizations such as A-WEB, EISA, European Commission, European Parliament, IFES, International IDEA, IPA CIS, Gender Concerns International, OSCE/ODIHR, Quito Protocol, Tikal Protocol, UNIORE, UNSOM, and the Venice Commission, were also represented at the event.
The Global Elections Day Summit 2022 was available for the registered participants on the Zoom platform and also was streamed on YouTube.
* Global Electoral Organization



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