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Southern African Chief Justices Forum

06/08/2009 - 09/08/2009

Kasane, Botswana - In co-operation with the Chief Justices of the Southern Chief Justices Forum (formerly Southern Chief Judges Commission), the Commission organises a Conference on two topics: (a) The enhancement of the Rule of Law, separation of powers and judicial independence and the relationship of these doctrines to socio economic development. (b) The protection of human rights in general through the court system by way of Judicial Review. It is intended that the Conference should examine how effective the use of Judicial Review of administration action is in controlling excesses in the use of statutory powers and in promoting human and other rights. The objective of the Conference is to draw a direct link between the lack of development, lack of the Rule of Law and absence of democratic governance under a democratic constitution.

The SACJF has also been invited to be a founding member of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice. The Conference will take a decision on such a participation in the Conference.



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